<BGSOUND SRC= canondrock.mp3”> I am a John Doe Homeless... ON STRIKE against UNFAIR HOUSING COSTS!!?!: Mar 15, 2009

I am a John Doe Homeless... ON STRIKE against UNFAIR HOUSING COSTS!!?!

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Sunday, March 15

An INSIGHT to HOMELESSNESS - M anytown S - U.$.$.A.

Observe what the hardships of a meager existence does to folks in this video... THEN..............

...observe the reality of WHAT the problems I have been advocating about, with the meaningless so-called "solutions". Then consider that the problems have been building for over 20 years, and like a train slowly building up speed will take time to slow down only - much less "reverse" direction. There are those who waited to be affected before being concerned, while there are those who have not yet realized that 2008 was just the beginning, and will realize an even more of a rude awakening!

"Connecting the Dots" offers a Reality Check providing the historical reasons and what to prepare for.
Follow the Links, hear the Audios and view the Videos . . . then you also can help to . . . >> Incite... more Insight!!?!<<

I am . . . a John Doe Homeless
and these are  my Viewpoints
of those  "progressive " developments
of the  Growth  that has been
"Good for the Economy"!!?
. . . . . as if the world doesn't have enough problems . . . (?)
Edit / update by a John Doe Homeless - updated on Dec 29, 2008 at 6:07 PM